I түвшин 2-р шат Оноо Бодлого бодсон хувь Түрүүлж бодсон
Warmup 200 37% First to solve this challenge!Yesunkhishig Tumurbaatar
Second to solve this challenge!Mendbayar Erdenebulgan
Third to solve this challenge!Anujin Lkhagvasuren
CIDR 200 26% First to solve this challenge!Yesunkhishig Tumurbaatar
Second to solve this challenge!Buyankhishig Ganbold
Third to solve this challenge!Nominjin Ankhbayar
SNR 200 53% First to solve this challenge!Boldbaatar Batbold
Second to solve this challenge!Choinzin Davaadorj
Third to solve this challenge!Yesunkhishig Tumurbaatar
ack.no 300 53% First to solve this challenge!Nominjin Ankhbayar
Second to solve this challenge!Mendbayar Erdenebulgan
Third to solve this challenge!Yesunkhishig Tumurbaatar
TCP 300 32% First to solve this challenge!Yesunkhishig Tumurbaatar
Second to solve this challenge!Anujin Lkhagvasuren
Third to solve this challenge!Anudari Altankhuyag
Key 300 47% First to solve this challenge!Boldbaatar Batbold
Second to solve this challenge!Anudari Altankhuyag
Third to solve this challenge!Yesunkhishig Tumurbaatar
Домайн Нэрийн Систем 300 5% First to solve this challenge!Nominjin Ankhbayar
FTP 300 53% First to solve this challenge!Buyanjargal Damdinsuren
Second to solve this challenge!Lkhamjav Baatarkhuu
Third to solve this challenge!Mendbayar Erdenebulgan
Go-back-N 300 16% First to solve this challenge!Lkhamjav Baatarkhuu
Second to solve this challenge!Buyankhishig Ganbold
Third to solve this challenge!Yesunkhishig Tumurbaatar
:) 300 37% First to solve this challenge!Buyanjargal Damdinsuren
Second to solve this challenge!Mendbayar Erdenebulgan
Third to solve this challenge!Yesunkhishig Tumurbaatar
Ялгааг ол 300 47% First to solve this challenge!Yesunkhishig Tumurbaatar
Second to solve this challenge!Buyanjargal Damdinsuren
Third to solve this challenge!Anujin Lkhagvasuren
IP address 300 53% First to solve this challenge!Nominjin Ankhbayar
Second to solve this challenge!Anujin Lkhagvasuren
Third to solve this challenge!Yesunkhishig Tumurbaatar
Decryption code 500 5% First to solve this challenge!Mendbayar Erdenebulgan
Зураг унших нь 500 47% First to solve this challenge!Lkhamjav Baatarkhuu
Second to solve this challenge!Yesunkhishig Tumurbaatar
Third to solve this challenge!Boldbaatar Batbold
Хэр хурдан бэ? 500 37% First to solve this challenge!Anujin Lkhagvasuren
Second to solve this challenge!Choinzin Davaadorj
Third to solve this challenge!Anudari Altankhuyag
Cost 500 0% Бодоогүй
Бодлогоо бодоорой .pcap гэнэ үү? 500 11% First to solve this challenge!Buyanjargal Damdinsuren
Second to solve this challenge!Mendbayar Erdenebulgan
PKA #2 1,000 53% First to solve this challenge!Boldbaatar Batbold
Second to solve this challenge!Choinzin Davaadorj
Third to solve this challenge!Yesunkhishig Tumurbaatar
RSA 1,000 16% First to solve this challenge!Lkhamjav Baatarkhuu
Second to solve this challenge!Mendbayar Erdenebulgan
Third to solve this challenge!Buyanjargal Damdinsuren
You are bad 1,000 16% First to solve this challenge!Buyanjargal Damdinsuren
Second to solve this challenge!Mendbayar Erdenebulgan
Third to solve this challenge!Anudari Altankhuyag
PKA #1 1,000 53% First to solve this challenge!Nominjin Ankhbayar
Second to solve this challenge!Boldbaatar Batbold
Third to solve this challenge!Choinzin Davaadorj
II түвшин 2-р шат Оноо Бодлого бодсон хувь Түрүүлж бодсон
Frame 300 0% Бодоогүй
Ceaser 300 5% First to solve this challenge!Sugarmaa Batbold
Warmup Base 300 21% First to solve this challenge!Angarag Altangerel
Second to solve this challenge!Buyanjargal Baldorj
Third to solve this challenge!Arystanbyek Nurgaz
Сав 300 0% Бодоогүй
Вебийн тарилга 2 300 0% Бодоогүй
Вебийн тарилга 1 300 0% Бодоогүй
Key 300 47% First to solve this challenge!Khishigbat Altangerel
Second to solve this challenge!Ankhbayar Uuganbayar
Third to solve this challenge!Arystanbyek Nurgaz
RSA-1 500 16% First to solve this challenge!Sugarmaa Batbold
Second to solve this challenge!Ankhbayar Uuganbayar
Third to solve this challenge!Temuujin Purevdorj
Cost 500 16% First to solve this challenge!Khishigbat Altangerel
Second to solve this challenge!Sugarmaa Batbold
Third to solve this challenge!Buyanjargal Baldorj
Урсгалаас юм олж аваарай 500 5% First to solve this challenge!Buyanjargal Baldorj
PKA-1 500 0% Бодоогүй
RSA-2 1,000 0% Бодоогүй
image 1,000 11% First to solve this challenge!Sugarmaa Batbold
Second to solve this challenge!Buyanjargal Baldorj
Wire 1,000 0% Бодоогүй
PKA-2 1,000 0% Бодоогүй
PKA-3 1,000 0% Бодоогүй
PKA-4 1,000 0% Бодоогүй